China map

Where is china?

The People's Republic of China is an East Asian socialist country, the third largest in the world (about 9.6 million km2); an economic superpower. It has access to East China, South China and Yellow Seas, and the Korean Gulf.

In addition to the mainland, this state owns the islands: Taiwan, the groups of Penghu, Jinmen, Matsu islands.

It is located in UTC +8 time zone.

Number of inhabitants (population)

The People's Republic of China is the first country in the world in terms of the number of inhabitants:

1.4 billion people, with a population density of 146 people per km2.

china provinces

Regional division in China is as follows, according to several gradations:

  • Provincial level. The largest gradation. China is divided into 23 provinces; 5 autonomous regions: Inner Mongolia, Tibetan, Guangxi Zhuang, Ningxia Hui, Xinjiang Uygur; 4 cities of central subordination: Beijing, Shanghai , Tianjin and Chongqing; 2 special administrative regions; and also Hong Kong and Macau. Separately, it is worth noting the island of Taiwan, which is under the control of the Republic of China and is partially recognized in the world as a state, but the People's Republic of China officially names Taiwan as its 23rd province.
  • Prefectural level. This gradation divides China into 15 prefectures 15, 286 Urban districts, 30 Autonomous districts, 3 Aimaki.
  • County level. According to this gradation, China is divided into 2853 counties or their equivalent.
  • Township level. At the Township level, there is a division into 46466 volosts or their equivalent.
  • Village level. There is a division into many villages. Cities are divided into micro districts.

How many countries border china

China shares borders with the following countries:

  • On the northeast side is the border with the DPRK (North Korea),
  • In the north-east and west there is the border with the Russian Federation, in the north-west with Kazakhstan.
  • The northern part of the border separates China from Mongolia.
  • The southern part of China is bordered by: India, Bhutan, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar.

Historical reference 

The Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations in existence today. Chinese scientists claim that its age reaches five thousand years, and the existing written evidence speaks of at least three and a half millennia. Geographically, the emergence of Chinese civilization took place in the basins of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. China’s economy was based on agriculture, which created advantages over less developed nomadic neighbors.
It is generally accepted that the history of China is divided into three conditional periods:

  1. Pre-imperial period. It lasted until 221 BC; including the Shang, Xia, Jou dynasties.

This period is characterized by a low dependence of small regions on the power of the main government, political instability, internecine wars, and economic decline. Religious leaders are often in the leadership of the country. Of the three dynasties listed above, the Shang dynasty should be distinguished as the most powerful.

  1. Imperial period. Lasted from the beginning of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC) until the end of the Qing Dynasty (1911 AD)

It is characterized by the rule of successive imperial dynasties. During this period, thanks to the consistently effective rule of the dynasties, China became the strongest country, one of the world leaders of that time.

The process of strengthening the country began with the reign of Emperor Shi Huangdi (the first of the Qin dynasty), who was able to unite China. He began the process of building the Great Wall of China, and organized the construction of wide (15 meters) multi-lane roads connecting parts of the empire with each other.
China at this time was repeatedly subjected to conquests, but each time the conquerors assimilated with the people, creating their own dynasties of rule. The most striking examples are the occupation and conquest of China by Genghis Khan (13th century, created the Yuan dynasty) and the Manchus (16th century, created the Qing dynasty, the last in the history of China).

  1. "New" period. It began in 1911, with the fall of the last Qing dynasty, and continues to this day.

After the fall of the Qing dynasty (fell thanks to the Xinhai Revolution), the Republic of China was formed, which exists on the island of Taiwan to the present. On the mainland of China, the Republic of China was overthrown in 1949, after which the People's Republic of China (PRC) was proclaimed a socialist state led by Mao Zedong.

The most interesting sights of China

  • The great Wall of China

One of the new wonders of the world, the largest architectural monument of our time, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. A defensive structure designed to protect the population and values ​​of China from nomadic peoples, and to mark the border of a powerful state. The length of the wall is more than 21 thousand kilometers, the thickness of the structure is from five meters, the height is from 5 to 10 meters.

Built using the features of the terrain, it runs along the mountain range, going down into gorges and climbing high ascents, thanks to which it fits very organically into the landscape and looks very harmonious. Most of the well-preserved sites are located near Beijing.
Location: Huairou, China (CHJC + Q4 Bohaizhen, Huairou District, Beijing, China)
Coordination: 40°25′N, 116°05′E

  • Terracotta Army in Xi'an

One of the largest monuments from the beginning of Chinese statehood, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is part of the tomb of the greatest emperor of China, Shi Huangdi, who united the disparate parts of the country into one great empire at that time. It represents more than 8 thousand clay statues of warriors, their commanders, horses and chariots, buried together with Emperor Shi, and discovered in 1974, next to the tomb of the emperor. All the statues are not alike.
Location: Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 710612

Coordination: 34°23′05″N, 109°16′23″E

  • Forbidden City in Beijing

The palace ensemble, made in the style of traditional Chinese architecture. The center of ancient Beijing, the capital of the empire, where entry was forbidden to everyone except the emperors, their families and associates. It is larger in size than any other palace in the world (includes more than 900 buildings and about 9000 chambers); It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the past it was the center of the political life of the Chinese Empire, served as home to 24 emperors and two dynasties: Ming and Qing.

Currently one of the main tourist attractions in Beijing, more than 7 million people visit the Forbidden City every year.

Location: 4 Jingshan Front St, Dongcheng, Beijing, China, 100009
Coordination: 39°54′53″N, 116°23′26″E 

  • Li River in Guilin

Nature, breathtaking water landscapes of China; the Li River in Guilin is a popular source of inspiration for many and many artists of the Chinese Empire in the past. And now it is the most popular place for tourists who love photos with natural attractions.

There is a popular tourist destination located 60 kilometers to the southeast, the town of Yangshuo. And between these two cities there are picturesque places: villages, bamboo groves , the very landscape that displays China in its traditional form.

  • Potala Palace in Lhasa

In the past, it was a palace and a Buddhist temple complex. Now it remains a functioning Buddhist temple and a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists. Located at an altitude of 3.7 km, the historic ensemble of the Potala Palace is a majestic complex of enormous cultural, historical, religious and artistic significance. Founded by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet in 600 AD. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Location: 35 Central Beijing Road, Lhasa, Tibet, China, 850000
Coordination: 29°39′28″N, 91°07′01″E 

Major airports in China

The economic upturn in China since the end of the 20th century has also fueled strong development in air transport, and Beijing has become an important international transport hub. Today in the country:

  • three state airlines (Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines);
  • 130 international lines;
  • 980 internal lines;
  • 24 regional lines;
  • passenger traffic over 390 million people per year (the fastest growing in the world);
  • 229 commercial airports in 135 cities.

Beijing Capital International Airport, BCIA

The largest and busiest airport in China, located 20 km northeast of Beijing. The annual passenger traffic is over 100 million people (second place in the world). 3 terminals, 3 runways. One of the most punctual airports in the world.

Chaoyang District, Beijing 100621, China 


Coordinates: 40°04′48″N, 116°35′04″E

Shanghai Pudong International Airport

One of the largest air hubs in East Asia. The second place in China in terms of workload (76 million people per year). Located 30 km east of Shanghai. Serves international and domestic flights. 5 runways.

S1 Yingbin Expy, Pudong, Shanghai, China


Coordinates: 31°08′36″N, 121°48′19″E

Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

Located in the south of China in Guangdong province. The annual passenger traffic is over 73 million people. Serves over 100 destinations. 3 runways.

Baiyun Renhe Town, Guangzhou, China

Coordinates: 23°23′33″N, 113°17′56″E

Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport

The largest airport in Sichuan province and an important aviation hub in Western China is located 16 km from the city of Chengdu. The passenger traffic per year is more than 55 million people. Has 2 runways.

Shuangliu, Chengdu, Sichuan, China


Coordinates: 30°34′342″N, 103°56′49″E

The largest train stations in China

Trains are the most popular and affordable form of transport in China. The country is one of the three world leaders in terms of the length of railways and ranks second in the rating: the total length of the railway track is more than 112 thousand km (55.8 thousand km are electrified). The vast majority of railway companies are managed by the Ministry of Railways. The main operator is China Railways.

China's rapidly developing national high-speed traffic system is the leader in the world, overtaking Europe and Japan. And in 2006, in Tibet (at an altitude of 5 thousand meters), the Qinghai-Tibet railway was launched, the highest railway in the world.

Xian North railway station

The largest train station in Northwest China is located in the Weiyang district of Xi'an. Commissioned in 2011.

The station is equipped with 34 platforms.

Yuanshou Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi



Coordinates: 34°22′36″N, 108°56′07″E

Zhengzhoudong (Zhengzhou East) railway station


The station is located southeast of the Zhengdong district (3 km) and covers an area of ​​219 hectares. It is one of the largest railway stations in China and has 7 levels (3 underground) and 30 platforms.

199 Xinyi Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Henan China


Coordinates: 34°45′36″N, 113°46′23″E

Shanghai Hongqiao railway station


The largest railway station in Asia, covering an area of ​​1.3 million m2. Commissioned in 2010. Waiting room for 10 thousand people. Passenger traffic is 21 thousand people per day. Equipped with 30 platforms for domestic routes and 11 for the Shanghai Metro International Railway

Zhenhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai China


Coordinates: 31°11′46″N, 121°18′58″E

Kunming South railway station

The main railway station serving the city of Kunming. A young promising station. Equipped with 30 platforms.

Building 4, 7th Street, Intersection of Juxian Street and Zhiyuan Road, Chenggong District, 510000, Kunming, China 

Coordinates: 24°52′23″N, 102°51′37″E


China has been at the forefront of the automotive industry, not yielding the palm over the past couple of decades.

The total length of highways in the country is 4.2 million km, including rural ones. The country is connected by the China National Highways (main roads through mainland China) and China Expressways (national and provincial expressways). About 10% of the settlements in China have no road connections.

New generation highways stretch for more than 110 thousand km. The most famous of them are Burma Road and Karakoram Highway.

There are about 110 million passenger cars in the country's car fleet. Nevertheless, bicycles are the most common type of transport.

In cities, the road communication has a complex structure, the quality of roads is at a high level.

Editor's Choice: Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

An amazing natural wonder, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site (in 1992). Zhangjiajie National Park is located in the northwest of Hunan province in the Wulingyuan mountain range. This is the first national park in China. It was founded in 1982.

The total area of ​​the park is 479.15 km², which is divided into 6 conventional zones:

  • wilderness area (wild trails, rice fields);
  • ⅔ occupies Tianjin Mountain and its foothills, famous for fog and clouds.

The main attraction of the park: more than 3 thousand weathered rocks in the form of pillars of quartz and sandstone. The highest of them is Mount Doupeng with a height of 1890 m. About ⅓ of the peaks with a height of over 200 m. The most impressive peak "Column of the Southern Sky" (1800 m) today is called "Avatar Hallelujah" in honor of the popular film "Avatar", the authors of which were inspired by the unusual relief of these places and transferred this image to the big screen.

Almost the entire territory of the park (98%) is covered with dense vegetation (720 plant species of 102 families), which has become home to a wide variety of animals (28 species are listed in the Red Book).